Additional Details for SAIC Application Portfolio
The Spinning Earth Shall Spread Before You (2019)
For two networked circuit-bent CD players
Inspired by the work of composer/hardware hacker Nicolas Collins, this piece explores the process of composing music through the real-time performance of media playback devices. Both CD players have been modified, allowing for networked control of their play/pause, seek, and stop controls. Additional modifications made to the anti-skip memory and data-muting chips of each player result in the creation of rhythmic loops when each CD player is paused, and heavily distorted, delayed audio fragments when connecting pins on the anti-skip memory chip.
Each CD player is connected through Bendit_I/O, a hardware/software system I developed that allows for networked performance with circuit-bent devices and web-enabled interfaces. Through this system, the performer and the CD players can share data with each other, allowing for machine-to-machine and human-to-machine interaction. Each CD contains material written by the composer.
Whispering Through the Chrysalis (2022)
For two computers (Monome Norns)
Whispering Through the Chrysalis is a piece about longing, hoping, and wondering what’s next. A slowly evolving pattern is passed through long delay lines that can be “played” through tactile interaction with the location of the playheads. The piece uses Brian Crabtree’s Awake script and Olivier Creurer’s Compass script for the Monome Norns.
SHP of THSEUS (2020)
Collaborative multimedia work for telematic ensemble (co-written by RE/SHFT/ER - Eric Sheffield, Nick Hwang, Anna Wesiling, and Jeff Herriot)
Anthony T. Marasco’s roles in the creation and realization of the work:
performer (modular synthesizer and computer (audio sampling/looping)
collaborative instrument design (as co-developer of Collab-Hub)
SHP of THSEUS is a musical work for remote performers where the musical parameters are continuously changing, controlled by other performers and audience members. SHP of THSEUS is a composition we worked on collectively, drawing inspiration from the Greek myth in which, while on his adventures, Theseus would slowly replace parts of his ship until every part was eventually replaced. This is a philosophical quandary of identity. We navigate this concept through the use of Collab-Hub and our individual performance setups, in combination with the score. Based on Mythology and the thought experiment of identity, the shape of the work is predetermined but as it progresses, almost all sonic, visual, and control data is replaced multiple times over. A transformational performance overall, the visual and aural progressional are interactive with the audience.
More information and score documentation is available at Anna Weisling’s web portfolio here:
SHP of THSEUS is built using Collab-Hub, a tool that helps artists, musicians, circuit-benders, game developers, and creative coders share control data effortlessly between remote systems and collaborators (or on the same local network). More information on Collab-Hub can be found here:
WELD (revised for ensemble in 2023; first written 2011)
For solo or ensemble performance - iPad(s), computer, and circuit-bent radios
Inspired by the Cantiere series of paintings by Italian artist Walter Trecchi, WELD is a multi-movement, improvisatory piece for iPad, circuit-bent radios, and prerecorded audio. The audio track is mixed as a 6-channel audio file, sending two channels through the house audio system and the remaining four channels through individual radios placed on stage around the performer. The iPad performer uses the Curtis granular synthesis app to manipulate a prerecorded sound file that contains raw samples of various sounds found throughout the backing audio track. The player manipulates this audio file by running their finger over the waveform displayed on the iPad’s screen, while also changing effects and sampling parameters such as reverb, delay, and grain size.